10 Social Media Tips for Employee Engagement
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
by hrnetwork
Social media has tangible and sustainable business value as collaboration channels. When implemented effectively, it can result in greater sales, productivity and higher customer engagement. And when harnessed correctly social can transform the way your business works. So just how do you get everyone on board? Let’s take a look… 1. Make Social Collaboration
- Published in Human Resource Management
Future International Trends in OD
Monday, 26 May 2014
by hrnetwork
Written by Stan Horwitz Master OD Practitioner SABPP Organisational Development as a profession has grown significantly in terms of quantum, content, process, and relevance in the past decade. Today, organisational development is required and viewed as central to an organisation’s futurology. Organisational Development relies on internal and external OD partners involved in the long term,
- Published in Organisational Development
The Human Resources Gauntlet Post-Elections 2014
Monday, 26 May 2014
by hrnetwork
by Dr Leon Gabriel Senior HR Network Consultant: Public and Legislative Sectors The recent National and Provincial elections on 7 May 2014, not only ushered in our fifth Parliament, but also marked 20 years of democracy in South Africa. The 2014 general election is also significant in that it was the first election following the
- Published in Public Sector