Written by Stan Horwitz
Master OD Practitioner
Organisational Development as a profession has grown significantly in terms of quantum, content, process, and relevance in the past decade. Today, organisational development is required and viewed as central to an organisation’s futurology.
Organisational Development relies on internal and external OD partners involved in the long term, systemic, interventions and change in order to maximise the interface between people processes, systems and performance. Organisational Development has shifted beyond micro-interventions into an enabling praxis that produces conscious, planned shifts so that organisational purpose, mandates, goals, objectives and metrics are met in the now and the future. Stakeholder engagement has become core to co-creation.
“The more certain I am I have the right answers, the more clear it becomes to me that I may have the wrong questions”
Given this context, a number of key global shifts and trends are evidenced in both practice and academic thinking in OD. These include:
- Global OD
- Strategic OD
- Positive change
- Scholar practitioner model
Global OD
Global OD involves shifting economic, social, political, environmental systems and organisations at macro levels. OD principles and practices are used in communities that work at effecting conscious shifts in paradigms, frames of reference and actions. These “movements” of communities aim to shift consciousness and behaviour.
Strategic OD
Strategic OD is the process where internal and external practitioners intervene as partners within organisations and businesses to create, enable and shift the potential of complex systems. The aim is to fulfil the organisation / business’ purpose and future in order to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. The alignment of people, processes, systems, potential and performance with purpose is key. Strategic OD requires a shift away from micro-interventions to macro systemic solutions.
Positive Change
Positive change is a shift away from focusing on the negative in individuals, teams and organisations. It embraces the notion of using “strengths” as building blocks for future growth and performance. It also shifts the enquiry process from a linear, causal, scientific frame of enquiry towards utilising methodologies such as narrative and appreciative enquiry, in order to strategically shift and align through positive interventions people, processes, systems, potential and performance with Purpose.
Scholar Practitioner Model
Gone are the days where academics were regarded as academics, and practitioners as practitioners and never the two shall meet. In today’s complex world, understanding complex systems requires a scholar practitioner model where the scholar is a practitioner and the practitioner the scholar!
Through every OD intervention, theory and knowledge is applied in practice and practice informs the development of theory and knowledge.
The use of technology and social media has become core to the enablement of these four international trends. Digital OD enables voices to be heard, inform and shape new trends. Divergences and convergence are key for participatory processes to be effective. Collaborative learning through the use of technology is a mechanism for sharing.
Using HRNetwork’s leading Transformational Storyboarding enables and supports global emerging trends.
To find out more about our ground-breaking methodology and its appropriateness to your organisation or business contact Stan on 082 466 7086