Psychometric Assessments

psychometric assessments

Our Psychometric Assessments are unique in that we offer niche consultation in order to customise the design of a battery or intervention that will meet your needs

Typically psychometric assessments have been used within the recruitment space however here at HRNetwork we see assessments as a tool, which can facilitate any number of processes. Therefore for the purposes of recruitment we offer competency based assessments, in-basket exercises, aptitude assessments as well a battery of assessments that can be used to assess candidates or incumbents at either a senior or executive level or at a middle management or more junior level.

Each of these batteries includes a variety of assessments to ensure that we gain a holistic of the candidate or incumbent. All feedback is given by trained Industrial Psychologists. Assessment in the recruitment space can be completely customised to probe for organisational and cultural fit, ability to manage complexity and learning, personality style, team role, leadership style and ability to cope under pressure. The assessment of emotional intelligence also provides excellent insight within both the recruitment and development space.

We offer professional psychometric assessments which can be positioned within a broader framework to support development within an organisational context as well as for recruitment and selection and career guidance. Our offering includes:

  • Assisting in training needs analysis and the completion of individual development plans
  • Succession planning and performance/potential mapping
  • Coaching and mentoring processes may use psychometric as a diagnostic tool
  • Career planning and guidance or mid-career changes
  • Team development and alignment
  • The development of a leadership competency framework and various leadership development interventions whish include psychometrics as a diagnostic tool
  • Organisational readiness within the scope of organisational development
  • Recruitment and selection at all levels of the business

Our approach is completely compliant with the Employment Equity Act requirements of validity and reliability and we use HPCSA recognised psychometric assessment tools.

Get in touch with us today for expert assistance: