
Much has been written regarding the role and need for leadership over decades. Leaders are built and developed. We at HRNetwork have, for decades, built leaders in the private and public sectors. We approach leadership development from a frame of “leaders have no titles or limits”.

At HRNetwork we:

  • Provide a wide range of diagnostics for leaders including Enneagrams, psychometric assessments which we put together in test batteries based on specific requirements
  • Conduct 360 degree leadership surveys and provide reports
  • Develop personal leadership development plans with and for leaders
  • Provide developmental accredited CPD training (refer to our Accredited training courses)
  • Provide outstanding coaching and mentoring services utilising leading coached backed with experience, skills and tools of their craft
  • Provide leaders with coaching and mentoring support for themselves, their teams and their organisations
  • Provide some practical tools for purchase on-line – www.hrshop.co.za

Online purchases of Leadership tools, templates and documents

If you require ready to go documents, we recommend you visit, buy and download from our HR Shop. HR Shop is our dynamic, innovative on-line one-stop portal offering a wide range of HR Products (downloadable MS Office documents, presentations and spreadsheets). The HR Shop offers easy to use products which can be customised to suit your specific environment and needs.

Some Leadership tools, templates and documents available to purchase at great prices from www.hrshop.co.za include:

  • A Little About Me – self diagnostic
  • Competency Profile Template
  • Mentor Relationship and Process Clarification
  • Mentoring Decision Sheet
  • Mentoring Intervention Assessment
  • Mentoring Reflection Checklist
  • Mentoring Toolkit
  • Organisational Readiness Checklist for Mentoring Preparedness
  • Self Assessment of Personality Attributes
  • The Change Equation
  • The Mentoring Agreement
  • The Perfect Mentoring Relationship
  • Who is the Real Me
  • Work Fulfilment Self Assessment
  • (Also see our range of tools for leaders under Change Management on the site)

Get in touch with us

Email: info@hrnetwork.co.za