Talent and the “war for talent” has become one of the most hotly discussed topics in democratic South Africa. With low levels of skill, shortages of jobs, top talent is widely demanded globally specifically in key areas where our higher level educational institutions have been unable to provide sufficient quantities to our ever demanding and changing workplaces.
HRNetwork has been required by clients to assist them in the development of Human Capital Strategies; Human Capital Management Strategies, and Talent Management Strategies in order to ensure that new entrants of top calibre are not only attracted to the organisation brand but are retained through a series of outstanding human capital practices.
Talent management requires a thorough understanding of the human capital value chain. From the time a perspective high potential talent enters the workplace, he or she needs to be groomed, well trained, coached / mentored, developed, motivated and rewarded in a culture that supports both the achievement of the organisational and individual goals. This alignment process requires thinking on the part of human capital executive and the selected consultancy partners. At HRNetwork we partner our clients in developing the strategies and where required in the implementation thereof in order to optimise an enabling, sustainable performance culture.