Not that any of us need any encouragement, but there really are health and wellness benefits to getting a break every once in a while. If you’re worried about loss of productivity this December…you are not alone! This said, the secret to work-life integration is for us all to schedule sort breaks throughout the year and not only at year end!
Employees who relax and unwind get a welcome break from stress and are less likely to burn out under pressure. Studies have also shown that employees become more motivated about their jobs and perform better when they take leave than those who don’t. Here are some of the benefits of getting some quality time to recharge and energise your batteries regularly.
Nurture Positivity and Optimism
There’s nothing like the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one to inspire and motivate. Is it the effects of a much-needed break or is it a chance to start afresh? It’s probably a combination of both but studies have shown that employees get their most creative ideas when they are away from the office and have a chance to look at things from different perspectives. Regular review of both work and personal goals is a key to success. With the rise of the new world of work and changing work models raised in an through disruption, the need to Nurture Positivity Optimism is a key Leadership competence.
Escape Stress
Studies have also shown that people who take regular holidays or breaks The speed of work is rising exponentially. We all need to be available 24/7 or at least that is becoming the expectation. Email is the new snail Mail. Those who take breaks, have higher levels of positive emotion and are less likely to suffer depression than those who don’t. Frequency also helps because the more often you can get away physically from the things that would ordinarily make you feel tense, the better your chances of managing stress. If you’ve felt like running away from it all at some point during the year, now’s your chance.
Protect Your Health
Stress causes hormonal changes in your body that can have a negative impact on your health and compromise your immunity over the long term. People who are chronically stressed are more likely to get ill more frequently and take more sick leave than those who invest in their health and know where to find the balance between work and play.
Quality Time With the Family
Spending time with loved ones is also a form of stress relief and it’s one of the perks of getting away from the office. It can help you to re-prioritise your goals and busy schedule and appreciate the truly finer things in life, especially if you can have a good laugh and really act silly.
Having a break, recharging your batteries and generating some enthusiasm is all about finding inner balance.
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