Future International Trends in OD
Monday, 26 May 2014
by hrnetwork
Written by Stan Horwitz Master OD Practitioner SABPP Organisational Development as a profession has grown significantly in terms of quantum, content, process, and relevance in the past decade. Today, organisational development is required and viewed as central to an organisation’s futurology. Organisational Development relies on internal and external OD partners involved in the long term,
- Published in Organisational Development
Book Your Seat at the SAODN Cape Town Session: “Transformational Storyboarding” with Stan Horwitz
Thursday, 06 June 2013
by hrnetwork
The SAODN Cape Town Session: “Transformational Storyboarding” with Stan Horwitz will be taking place on 13 June 2013. We still have seats available so please don’t forget to book your seat and bring a friend / colleague with you. Story telling has deep roots steeped in African tradition. For centuries stories have been a cornerstone
- Published in Organisational Development, Uncategorized
Join The SAODN (South African Organisation Development Network )
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
by hrnetwork
As the voluntary Communication and Membership Director for the SAODN I would like to you to consider professional membership and affiliation with the South African Organisation Development Network. The South African Organisation Development Network (SAODN) is a not-for-profit company which actively promotes the practice, and sets the standards, of organisational development in South Africa and
- Published in Organisational Development
The Importance of Work Life Balance for Organisational Development
Friday, 21 December 2012
by hrnetwork
Things are looking up for professionals in pursuit of that evasive work-life balance. It’s not all one-sided either: experts tell us that balance is just as good for organisational development as it is for staff morale. Here are some facts and figures… The Stats Are Positive From An Organisational Development Point of View According to
- Published in Organisational Development
The Role of Futurist Thinkers in Organisational Development
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
by hrnetwork
The local business landscape appears to hold a lot of potential for 2013, with reports that September and October 2012 have seen fewer year on year liquidations and that confidence is high for small and medium-sized business owners. The results of this year’s Census have also highlighted how exponentially our major cities are growing, specifically
- Published in Organisational Development
The Key To The Organisational Development Process is Training and Development
Sunday, 21 October 2012
by hrnetwork
Between learning something new and taking a few calculated risks is a field called innovation, and this is somewhere that most organisations want to be. In order to balance risk-taking with potential gains, the Organisational Development Process must embrace the importance of effective leadership and the art of collaboration between leaders and the workforce. An
- Published in Organisational Development, Training and Development
What Is Organisational Development- Does Your Business Need It?
Friday, 21 September 2012
by hrnetwork
Organisational development is a change management strategy that has been employed across the world for more than 40 years. Its primary definition is concerned with the way in which organisations and people function and how they can be made to function more productively by using social and human processes. The need for the organisational development
- Published in Organisational Development