Navigating the Waves of Change Workshop

Attend HRNetwork’s Change Workshop and be prepared to cope with small or large-scale change in any organisation.

HRNetwork presents to you a unique way of addressing the multiple change programmes and projects that you are faced with by building internal capacity and utililising our tested methodology and toolkit. Change Workshop attendees are licensed to use the tools as long as they remain in the Client’s employment.

Rather than swamping you with expensive consultants, our solutions are empowering where we propose an accredited SABPP programme for CPD that builds capacity:

Navigating the Waves of Change Workshop

5 day intervention

A minimum of 15 participants

This Change Workshop is where change management skills and capacity are built, experienced, developed and capacitated with our proven methodology and toolkit. This solution includes a full change management simulation where consulting skills are hones d and developed. This solution is one that does not build in constant reliance on consultants and while we (as HRNetwork) can support the change management implementation with project methodology, our role is to develop, empower, coach, guide and direct internal talent thereby ensuring sustainability of the solutions we bring.


If you can identify (through our stringent selection process) internal change talent capacity that can:

Act with credibility as potential internal change management consultants

Be thoroughly developed, coached and mentored in Change Management theory and application as  internal consultants

Be developed and empowered in HRNetwork’s proven Change Management Methodology and toolkit including:

* Developing a deep understanding and knowledge of change, transformation, transition and change management

 * Excellent consulting skills including a real simulated, practical and experiential change case study (2 days) where consulting skills are not only developed but communication, facilitation, presentation, report writing and project skills are enhanced and practically applied into a real project life cycle 

*Applying HRNetwork’s change methodology and over 40 change tools from our toolkit as to any large scale change project or programme (ERP or BPR etc.)

* Learning how as internal consultants to “act” and “do” as advisors, facilitators and implementers of change and transformation


                  HRNetwork’s proven solution is for you!!

 Navigating the Waves of Change Workshop HRNetwork’s proven Change methodology, is at the centre of our approach to change.

Supporting HR Network’s Navigating the Waves of Change Workshop – Change Management Project Methodology- are over 40 HRNetwork tools for users to apply during the change process.

Our highly skilled and experienced local team of South African and international professionals understand how change affects human behaviour and how individuals react to change. Our focus is on maximising our clients’ investment in their people, and minimising the risks associated with change by balancing the business needs and realities with the concerns and issues that people may have.

Our approach is results oriented. We focus on project delivery by setting objectives and measurements upfront for managing the change.We have had a wide range of experience and a proven track record with a variety of different clients. Recent clients include:

  • Metropolitan Life
  • Old Mutual
  • De Beers Marine
  • Nam Water
  • Land Bank
  • Somchem.
  • National Institute of Pathology (NIP)

More recently, having been exposed to HRNetwork’s professional and innovative approach, clients have requested that we assist in developing their internal capacity to manage and consult in all aspects of change projects. We are thrilled to offer this approach which equips Change Consultants in particular  with not only the understanding of change but practical tools to take charge of the change process.

We train and certify (SABPP CPD) your selected change practitioners to lead, drive, consult in and support people through change. Wrapped around all of these products and services is our extended consulting capacity.

HR Network takes the term “from strategy to implementation” to a new level by practically transferring methodology, skills and tools to our clients who then have the power to sustain the change process long after our exit.

Navigating the Waves of Change Workshop is presented below in detail.

1.   Introduction

2.  Module 1    Introduction to Change, Transition and Consulting Skills

Part 1: Understanding Change and Transition  (0.5 days)

Section 1:  Introduction to Change and Transition

Section 2:  Deciding to make a change

Section 3:  Endings

Section 4:  Neutral zones

Section 5:  New beginnings

Part 2: Introduction to Consulting Skills – two day change simulation (1.5 days)

Section 1:  The Consulting Process (An overview)

Section 2:  Qualify

Section 3:  Commit

Section 4:  Project

Section 5:  Close

Section 6:  Review of learning

3.  Module 2    Change and Transition Tools (3.5 days)

Section 1:  Brief overview of HRNetwork’s change methodology / approach

Section 2:  Training in HRNetwork’s Change and Transition tools

Section 3:  Practical application applied in client project

Section 4:  Review of learning


Change Consultant’s Programme Objectives

1.         To develop an understanding of change vs. transition

2.         To understand the impact of transition on the business and people

3.         To develop an understanding of the role of the Change Consultant and the consulting process

4.         To refine the Change Consultant’s skills with a comprehensive Change Workshop

5.         To introduce participants to the change tools

6.         To develop an understanding of how to implement appropriate Change tools

7.         To develop the Change Consultants as a team


Change Consultant’s Programme Outcomes

At the end of the Programme, Change Consultants will be able to:

1.         Demonstrate an understanding of change vs. transition

2.         Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of transition on the business and people

3.         Recognise their own abilities and skills to support transition in the business units

4.         Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the consultant and the consulting process

5.         Practically apply consulting skills learnt throughout the seven day programme

6.         Use selected Transition tools

7.         Review their own experience of individual transition

8.         Understand the importance of the team during transition.


Benefits of the Change Consultant’s Programme

➢          Standardised organisational approach and toolkit for succeeding in change

➢          Reduces dependence on expensive external consultants

➢          Enables / encourages appropriate use of external change consultants to support internal competencies

➢          Develops a common language for change

➢          A common methodology and toolkit

➢          Learner-based development

➢          Outcomes-based learning where immediate value is added

➢          Experiential transfer of skills

➢          Support will be available throughout the duration of the Programme

➢          Supports a process of continuous learning for the individual and the organisation.

Readings required Prior to the Change Workshop

Participants are required to complete theory readings which are provided to learners prior to attending the Change Workshop AND INCLUDE concepts, approaches and Change models.

E.g. Adkar, Proski, Kotter etc!


Change Management Theory 

HRNetwork’s Change Management Toolkit

  • Change Champion Induction Workshop
  • Change Champion Self-Assessment Questionnaire
  • Change Champion Structured Interview
  • Change Education Workshop presentation
  • Change Readiness Survey
  • Communication Strategy & Plan framework
  • Communications Effectiveness Survey
  • Culture Presentation
  • Employee Attitude Survey
  • Employment Equity Process and Plan
  • Focus Group activities
  • Generic Transition Project Plan
  • HR Planning Process outline
  • Job profile outline
  • Leadership Assessment Questionnaire
  • Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire
  • Leadership Styles guide
  • Learner Commitment Form
  • Learner Participation Assessment form
  • Learning Needs Analysis
  • Open Space Workshop guide
  • Project Charter framework
  • Project Final Report outline
  • Team Building Workshop guide
  • Team Effectiveness Workshop guide
  • Qualitative Culture Assessment
  • Remuneration policy outline
  • Structure analysis outline
  • Training Strategy and Plan outline
  • Transition Project Sponsor Questionnaire
  • Change Workshop Assessment form

Programme Objectives

•          To develop an understanding of change vs. transition

•          To understand the impact of transition on the business and people

•          To develop an understanding of the role of the Change Consultant and the consulting process

•          To refine the Change Consultants skills

•          To introduce participants to the change tools

•          To develop an understanding of how to implement appropriate Change tools

•          To develop the Change Consultants as a team


Programme Outcomes 

At the end of the Programme, Change Consultants will be able to:

•          Demonstrate an understanding of change vs. transition

•          Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of transition on the business and people

•          Recognise their own abilities and skills to support transition in the business units

•          Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the consultant and the consulting process

•          Practically apply consulting skills learnt throughout the seven day programme

•          Use selected Transition tools

•          Review their own experience of individual transition

•          Understand the importance of the team during transition.


Benefits of the HRNetwork’s Programme

➢          Standardised organisational approach and toolkit for succeeding in change

➢          Reduces dependence on expensive external consultants

➢          Enables / encourages appropriate use of external change consultants to support internal competencies

➢          Develops a common language for change

➢          A common methodology and toolkit

➢          Learner-based development

➢          Outcomes-based learning where immediate value is added

➢          Experiential transfer of skills

➢          Support will be available throughout the duration of the Programme

➢          Supports a process of continuous learning for the individual and the organisation.


To find out more about our revolutionary Change Workshop get in touch with us
