Strategic Planning
Strategic planning has become a process that is no longer an annual event. There has been a conscious shift to move the strategic planning process into one which is now known as an emergent and emerging process.
This requires not only new levels of strategic “thinking” but strategic “being” in order to comprehend and embrace the complexity that organisations and businesses are faced with. It also requires a leadership team that understands the process of change, engagement and conscious alignment of all resources towards an unknown, emergent future.
HRNetwork’s approach to strategic planning is well structured, well regarded, participative, creative, and tried and tested amongst multiple clients. The approach is anything but linear.
We enable our clients’ Executive levels to explore their past. Using leading academic Otto Sharma’s Theory U, we shift into a conscious process of letting go that which does not apply in enabling a future to emerge. We focus on presencing and co-creation. Through conscious processes, we partner are clients to tap into their individual and collective wisdoms.
We firmly believe and encourage clients to explore previous patterns and cycles. We identify what has changed externally and internally relating thereto. It is only through changing the “same old” that we can achieve new results. Doing the “same old” repeatedly merely results in the “same old” results.
IT systems produce data, information and to an extent such can be utilised to produce knowledge. It is however our firm belief and experience that this is insufficient to strategically position our client organisations for the future.
Integrating wisdom (which resides within the individual and collective) is the key secret to effecting an aligned, emergent strategy and vision that shifts consciously the agile organisation to new levels of achievement. We tap this wisdom in a unique manner.
Our innovative approach to strategic planning is leading edge and is backed by latest thinking and research in OD.
We really look forward to partnering you the creation of a new future and direction.
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