Days: 2
CPD Points: 2
Learning Outcomes:
- Analyze the basic elements of an income and expenditure statement
- Analyze the basic elements to a balance sheet
- Compile a personal assets and liabilities statement
- Use the evidence in financial statements to make a financial decision
- Explain the concept of budgeting in a business unit
- Analyze the budget needs of a business unit
- Present and justify a proposed budget for a business unit
- Monitor and control actual expenses and revenue against the projected expenses and revenue,
- Identify own/a role and the risk associated with performance at work
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of work procedures in the workplace and the risk of non-compliance
- Suggest ways to manage risk in own work position
- Describe the behaviours and attitudes that constitute positive and negative risk in the workplace
Target Audience:
Line managers in non-financial areas. Senior staff members in key positions (e.g. Client Account Manager).
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