Generating a fun and engaging culture in your workplace is an important part of your HR strategy. In fact, for those who want to be a little more progressive, it might be one of the objectives of your HR strategy. The benefits of encouraging your staff to have fun at work are endless: it cultivates optimism, gives people a pressure release outlet, boosts morale and gives people the confidence to perform to the benchmarks that have been set.
Incorporating Fun Into Your HR Strategy
Having fun is a relationship builder; it can break down communication barriers and bring people closer together. It is one of the easiest ways you can enhance a cooperative spirit in your team. While working hard is an important facet of having fun, a lighthearted approach can save people from taking things too seriously and getting into squabbles especially as we head towards the end of the year and people start feeling burnt out.
Reminding people to have fun nurtures a sense of optimism and, of course, inspires creativity and innovation and can make implementing your HR strategy easier.
The Benefits of Fun For Your HR Strategy
People who have fun and enjoy their jobs are less likely to seek greener pastures; it gives employees a sense of satisfaction that is different to an incentive bonus or special perks. And, while those might be important too, creating an optimistic and positive atmosphere in the workplace is something ongoing, something that people can look forward to on a daily basis. Happier staff means lower turnover and being able to retain talent and highly skilled employees, plus more stability in team dynamics.
When we talk about fun we’re not necessarily referring to practical jokes. We need to remember to be sensitive to how things will be received by other people and ensure that what is fun is appropriate for everyone in the workforce. It needs to be inclusive without singling anyone out. If you would like to push boundaries and take people out of their comfort zones, click here to find out more about our professional team building options.
Enhance Your HR Strategy with Fun in the Workplace
Never underestimate the value of laughter; it’s the ultimate ice breaker and one of those wonderful things that brings people closer together. It’s also free and we all have the capacity to do it so give your HR strategy some thought and come up with innovative ways to encourage laughter in your organisational culture.
Casual days have also been proven to give staff an opportunity to relax so think about a day that would work well for your organisation and give it a try. Sometimes working in restrictive cultures and being professional prevents us from being able to relax and designating one day a week to allow employees to feel more comfortable can make it easier for people to start having fun.
Start using social media forums to share fun stuff that’s work-related. Encourage people to share jokes and cartoons and let them have a laugh about professional matters every once in a while but remember to set guidelines in your HR policy so that people know what is acceptable. Use the opportunity to define what “fun” is for your organisation and start implementing it into your HR strategy.
If you want some professional ideas to inject a little laughter into your teams contact HRNetwork for expert programs, advice and workshops.